Moonstone is a member of the feldspar mineral family. Moonstone can be colorless or a variety of hues including peach, pink, green, gray, yellow, brown, and blue. Adularescence, a captivating phenomena, is visible in moonstone. The transparency of moonstone can range from clear to opaque.The moonstone has represented the power of the moon throughout history. Its symbolism is thought to be related to lunar cycles and is associated with inner peace, intuition, equilibrium, and protection.The stone exhibits a well-known adularescence effect or rainbow sheen when light is incident upon it at particular angles. Regarding its therapeutic benefits, some people believe it helps ease tension and anxiety while also assisting with physical health issues like heart palpitations and menstrual cramps. Moonstone symbolism is linked to feminine energy, particularly that related to fertility and pregnancy, in addition to the moon's phases. The crystal is regarded as a talisman for travelers and anyone who wants to pursue novel endeavors. Moonstone jewelry is highly appreciated and loved throughout history. The stone pairs well with the 925 Sterling Silver.The Moonstone Promise Rings are no new trend rather have been known for years.