I'm enjoying the growth of the city and believe the new NPC's will bring some life to what is, in other words an uninteresting place. I'd love to be able move quickly between places outside of Cheap NBA 2K22 MT my apartment sometimes It's beginning to feel as if it's a pretty lively place. That's something I do not believe I've ever said before.

The city of 2K22 is larger than ever... And it's not always a good thing. It feels like they're working on an MMO based on basketball. There are daily quests scattered throughout the city, you're constantly requested to travel from area to another to attend an event.

But all that does is hinder the main strength of 2K22's on-court action. I'm not looking to be wasting 45 minutes skating from my home to a store to upgrade my appearance. Do that through an easy menu that requires a single button press so I can go back to playing basketball.

Furthermore, the new City erases what was one of 2K21's major upgrades - reduction of load time. Even on PS5, you're going to be waiting indefinitely every time you're planning to leave your house or leave the practice facility. The City is one of those clunky experiences and proves that bigger doesn't always mean more.

The way I see it is a bit wildly. It's like the defensive play on this particular court is not as good as it has been in previous years. It's much more easy to glide across the court and not be in NBA 2K MT Coins the game this year. It's refreshing to see fewer spectacular contact dunks this year. That was exhausting in 2k21.