Overall, a really good really great talent. Very nice utility and you could WoTLK Gold use it to knock people off super high expectations and then look at the rest Oh talent, there's actually not anything you can put into resto, since there's no spell crit , there's no spell here there really is no gain whatsoever to an elemental.

While when we think about the possibility of enhancement, you could gain 10% of your intelligence by absorbing ancestral wisdom if wanted to use something like herbs grass for PvP. thus increasing the strength of your stone claw and the radius of your earth by toe and by 10%. It also decreases the cooldown of both them so that Earth's grasp could be very effective when combined with storm Earth and fire when you're off in tow and also with a 100% likelihood to route your targets.

This means that in PvP having the ability to increase the radius reduce the cooldown as well as route them yeah, like I've said in a bigger distance away, it's a great idea. improving totems, increasing the strength for Earth and the flame Tang totems by up to 5%. The three points you could add into the equation if you were required to bring it for an exclusive 10 man setting up your run or something similar There's a chance. There's nothing wrong with it as a talent. You're not concerned about the flame Tang totem's effect, because as an ally you're going to get a lot of atrocity.

This is the place where you'll be able to pick up just five percent of flat crit your spells so it's likely the possibility of getting elemental weapons. We're mostly interested in the burning Tang weapon, but it will increase the damage for that torch Tang weapon to 30 percent. Shamanistic focus also can reduce the cost buy WoTLK Classic Gold of for your shock spells by an additional 45%.