"We were able to anticipate it a bit in advance due to the approximately 600.000 people who registered for the presale in the past week," Steinforth told German news site Ran. "At the peak there were around 800.000 people waiting in the queue virtual during the time."Mut 23 Coins confirmed to us later that they could've sold up to the three-million mark. This level of demand -regardless of the event or concerts -- is usually only seen during the Super Bowl. This is why the advance sale for Madden NFL 23's German game has beat all expectations."
Steinforth added that the event may be remembered as one of the biggest in terms ticket requests that Germany has seen within the last few decades.Of course, the hype has led to some very long waiting times for fans who began to post their names and their places on the waiting lists via social media when the sale began earlier this week. One of those posts appears to confirm Steinforth's statements that literally hundreds of thousands were looking forward to the event.
"Unfortunately we weren't able to make any changes to the lengthy queues. This could be a sign of how many people were looking at it," Steinforth said about the few but unfulfilled requests.While the majority of fans will not be in attendance at the Seahawks-Buccaneers match, they will have more opportunities in the upcoming years. The league will host a annual regular-season game at the stadium of Frankfurt in 2023 and eventually plans to make international matches in Germany an annual occurrence.
Whether those games will have the same fervor remains to be seen. But for the moment the Madden nfl 23 Coins can be extremely content with the early welcome it has received -an outcome that could not be said about the roughly 2925.000 people who weren't able to buy tickets.