Also included in this week's update include a range of Lost Ark Gold for an alarm's settings menu, which are expected to work as designed, text updates to make Steam achievements more clear on the methods to earn them, and removing this week's Weekly Rapport Chest from the in-game store due to an issue.Being added as part of this patch includes the arcanist's Emperor Gem.Overall in the wake of last week's big July update, this week is all about tweaks and fixes. To learn more about this week's update, which gets downtime beginning at 12AM PST, head over to Lost Ark for the full note.

Lost Ark: How To Get Punika Powerpass

The newly-implemented Punika Powerpass allows players to raise one of their lower-level characters, up to the level of 50.

In a recent update of Lost Ark, players saw the addition of a new class, the Arcanist. This update also adds the addition of new content to raids, and enhancements to upgrading characters, along with numerous other updates as well as enhancements to the quality of life. Players also experienced the introduction of a new Powerpass to speed up the process of getting their characters' progress to the latest information. It works in a similar fashion to what we've seen previously. However, some players may be uncertain about how to acquire this latest item.

Every MMORPG worth its salt must have an expansive world that is filled with missions and other pursuits that keep the large player base engaged. That's definitely the case for Lost Ark. It gives players something to shoot for, whether it's getting together with friends to slay monsters, conquering Abyssal Dungeons, or grinding for the top new set of equipment.

The quests in Lost Ark are scattered all over the world They all require the player to sail to a particular island just to start them. The End of the Trials is one of these quests that, while it's not one of the toughest in the game, players who don't know the necessary steps for the completion of the quest could get stuck and not know how to progress. Here's all the information a player has to know to complete the task cheap Lost Ark Gold.