Orc the main WoTLK Classic Gold character Durotan is a charming balance of honour and vengeance; even when he's not making his huge punches at enemies Durotan, the warchief of Orcs, speaks in a way that is eloquent and has a civility that belies his bulky appearance. They may appear as if they are bestial yet they remain loyal and stick to their customs of old. This is why the film's portrayal of the orcs isn't only true to the story, but ironically produces characters who are more accessible (and more likeable) than the humans they share scenes with.

In fact If only World of Warcraft 's humans were as engaging as the orcs. The short human characters' introductions don't leave much room for details as well as the numerous important characters further complicates their appearance. There are so many characters fighting to be on the screen that their stories never have the chance to be fully explored. Some characters jump in only to disappear quickly after which they teleport away, serving just to make the plot move along. Half-orc Garona in particular has very weak motivations. It's a pity that the film strives to provide such faithful portrayals of the World of Warcraft universe's characters however, they are made to feel their presence feel stale or boring within the larger narrative. It's hard to be interested in humanity's plight when the warchief of an orc is trying to save his clan, his baby son and must stand against the abuse on his own citizens at by a corrupted leader in the process.

Apart from the orcs and humans, other races make appearances, but they could be harmful to the film. The way they are depicted in the film's visuals of high-elves and Kirin Mages of Tor in particular can be a source of skepticism due to their poor look; if World of Warcraft is supposed to be a high-fantasy movie but their actual appearances buy WOW WoTLK Classic Gold seem out of place and potentially harmful.