Diablo 4 has limited caps for paid players, though hidden caps typically revolve around a five-per-day limit for rewards from side quests buy cheap Diablo IV Gold, bosses with purple skins, and random events on maps, which do not give players any loot once they've reached the limit mentioned above. The Diablo 4 player will receive a significantly decreased drop rate after securing six legendary drops each day, while Hidden Lair Dungeons stop releasing gem rewards after completing a few levels. Additionally, the drop rate of gems is reduced considerably when a Diablo 4 player hits six normal gems in a day. The last hidden Diablo 4 cap illustrated by Echohack is a ceiling for Zoltan Kule's treasure troves when players search for five in the span of 24 hours.

Games such as Destiny 2 and Borderlands 3 have loot that comes with a variety of types of rarities. Yet, the RNG can't be altered as with Diablo 4's invisible lock that hinders players playing for free from gaining expected loot. Given that Diablo 4 is a primarily mobile game, it's not new. Activision Blizzard may be working in ways of removing some of these limitations for those who prefer to play for free following the backlash, which created the Diablo title Activision Blizzard's worst-rated game on Metacritic. Other Diablo 4 fans have also discovered strange language on five-star gems suggesting that players could get a more valuable item than what's likely.

Given the many differences between the visible Diablo 4 caps and the hidden caps, some free-to-play gamers might need to spend money even though they may not otherwise feel the impulse in another mobile game. Because Diablo games have had more DLC as expansions that were priced at a flat amount, Diablo veterans may be shocked by the amount of money that can be put into Diablo 4-related microtransactions. Since there are PvP elements to Diablo 4. some players have accused the game of being a game where you pay to win because the game's equipment is powerful and can be bought cheap Diablo IV Gold, and these hidden caps won't help the players already struggling.