It is also possible to walk past the room WoTLK Gold, and then start throwing trash after the boss as you sit and wait for it to come up also. This next year, I've actually never was aware of the idea. I discovered it through an episode of Suttles videos that I'll share in the following description. The second boss you can start the RP up to the first two mini bosses and then continue to tackle the third boss. The remaining three mini bosses will be able to run towards you , and you will be able to slash two bosses down at once this will save you lots of time. If you're looking for more details on this strategy be sure to check out that video that I'll share below. We've also got Halls of Lightning.
The first group of mobs in Halls of Lightning are the Reavers made of hardened steel, and they're the levers in this dark dungeon. Don't stand in front of them. It's just a few steps down or the storm forge tacticians. They have an interesting ability called arc weld. It's a technique that is put on the player and causes damage every time you move to stop if it targets you. it. The second room is filled with loose clothes.
They're not elite, and don't really hit however what they'll do is explode when they're killed. Since everything will get AOE down. Melee dps will be safe and get them out before they die all at the same time. Because you'll likely end up dying. Straight up the stairs from here or a blazing steam that rages, you through nothing of a serious. It's a friendship accountability. place them on a table and then turn them away from the other group.
Like the steam Rangers following the third boss, you'll see storm forge constructions that employ fourth lightning, a frontal accountability to face away from the rest of the group. In the same room, our storm forge groups of rune shapers and sentinels the rune shapers will use charged flurry spinning around and throwing axes around. This causes a lot of damage, particularly WOW WoTLK Classic Gold when pulling multiple packs, you're ready to stun them or kill them as fast as possible.