A standout among the exciting things Diablo 4 Items to emerge from January was Blizzard's announcement that a brand new game located inside the "all brand new world" is currently in development adding another tie to the Diablo WoW creator's metaphorical bow. It wasn't the sole one to announce something new and exciting however, as Apex Legends creator Respawn Entertainment has also announced it's working on a third shooter that is triple A.

For the ultimate reward gamers who play turn-based games received news of an all-new studio that is headed by the Doom and XCOM team, which have come together to bring more strategic excellence to this ever-growing genre.

The most memorable event of February was, obviously, Elden Ring. Touted as one of the most popular FromSoftware games ever it was the RPG game quickly rose to the top of charts, and challenged players from all over the world to recreate the coveted item. Alongside Elden Ring, Amazon Games and Smilegate RPG brought ARPG/MMO hybrid Lost Ark to the West following its successful launch in Korea. While server queues rose and players often lost their will to live The game has grown after the launch and now offers several exciting areas and classes. Dying Light 2 also deserves some attention; after every one of Diablo 4 Boosting us doesn't like fighting zombies?