Modern surgery does not leave the patient’s safety and comfort to chance, and any surgical procedures are guided by the principles listed below. Among the range of products which can help to reach these goals, gel pads are particularly efficient. We have specialized pads for instance, OT table positioning gel pads and prone head rests that are used throughout time-consuming surgeries to ensure that the patient is well positioned, and pressure points and or complications do not arise.
Reducing Pressure-Related Injuries
Long operations expose patients to boarding which increases the development of pressure ulcers, tissue ischemia, and even nerve compression due to immobility. Patients are cushioned on gel pads in a manner that helps to prevent pressure-related ulcers. The material they are made from gives optimal stability and insulation, preserving even sensitive parts of the body like the sacrum, elbows, heels, etc.
In cases where the patient has to be positioned certain ways during the surgery, for instance prone, prone head rest becomes very useful. Besides elevating the patient’s head, the device also keeps the spine aligned to prevent nerves or postoperative pain.
Enhancing Stability and Alignment
It is important to always have good posture in order to achieve favorable results in surgeries. It can also lead to an increase in risks during surgeries and strain how both the patient and the surgical team work. OT table positioning gel pads are designed in a manner that will provide the body with stability and in the correct position when in the procedure table. These pads are operative position variants that include the supine position, the lateral position, or the lithotomy position of the patient and minimize the need for readjustment when assuming or maintaining such surgical positions or posture by the medical staff.
Of these, the prone head rest is particularly important because it guarantees that the patient’s head and neck are correctly aligned during surgeries that include spinal or vascular operations. This does not only improve patient safety but also gives surgeons clear and a theatre with a stable working environment.
Preventing Nerve Damage
If the nerves are compressed for a long time during the surgery, neuropathy develops or motor disturbance of limbs occurs. Gel pads provide cushioning to shield prone areas such as the brachial plexus or ulnar nerve from a direct amount of pressure being applied. Subsequently, through prevention of nerve injury these pads result in an improved healing process and less complications after surgery.
Promoting Efficiency in the OR
Apart from the patients, gel pads make work easier in the following ways: Its features of design and installation free precious time that is used in positioning the patient during the operations, thus enabling the surgical teams to accord their full attention to the surgery operation. Its durability also makes it cheaper to be used in hospitals because it can be cleaned quite easily.
OT table positioning gel pads and prone head rests are no longer considered as accessories in surgeries rather, have become a must haves in the contemporary surgical practices. As a cushion providing support at back and sacral region and avoiding such complications during surgeries they significantly reduce patient risks hence improving the patient safety during surgeries.