After becoming extremely frustrated playing fist of Guthix, I decided to OSRS Gold post something about sals's. Range of levels. Are you sick when, let's say you're at level 85 and your opponent is 110 levels, isn't it horrible? !
I would suggest having ranges of levels. The range should be within 5 levels. If there's no one within 5 levels of you it will automatically turn into ten, fifteen, twenty 25, or 30. (if you are not within 30 levels then you're likely to be creamed,) if there is no one in the same level, they will tell that there isn't anyone within your level range and you'll be able to be allowed to go inside and wait. They'll also attempt to match you to someone who is your level. They will move forwards and backwards with 1s until they locate someone. Please also let us know if it should be by 5 or single numbers.
There aren't enough players. It's a nightmare when you go into the cave, and there are at least three more players around, yet the upper right corner of the screen says "Not enough Players" I wish to make it more modern so that you need only 30 levels to fight you. New arenas: I also would like to make it more modern so that, you can choose between 5 arenas. Please post your ideas for new arenas that you support, and whether you prefer the range of your level to be determined by either 1s or 5s. Thanks!
Okay... my idea is to develop the Clan's HQ during clan wars. When you've got enough HQ to take on the challenge, you may also go into Buy RS Gold it. It will require 6 barricades as well as a 200-step field. A fortress is also needed.