Use palm arcane blast. It's your best way of using WoTLK Gold Palm Harbor. If it's taken spank and you want to use palm, then you can do so as I'm about to explain here. The other thing I'd like to point out is that when you are using potions, in case you don't know the wrath of Lich King, you can only use one potion during a combat session.
This is why we make a pre-pot is that we can get to in the assumption that the battle session will last at a minimum longer than a minute as if you'll be using it. Then it's on a minute cooldown.
In the next minute in the fight, you'd be able to use another potion. In order to open the fight I'll first explain it and then I'll show an example of it. The basic way in which this is going to work is that your great leader will be giving a countdown specifically for the pre-pot so that everyone is on the identical WoTLK Classic Gold page and gets rid of the pre pot before the combat begins.