Also, in FOG my friend was getting cheap OSRS GP around 11 tokens with a 10 rating... but when I played before I didn't receive a lot. Did FOG change? The guy had that many as he had 1.2K Charges. And the Guy had around 100. It's not clear if FOG is involved, but wrote about his skills in the next to them in ()'s.

I'd like to purchase the Explorer Ring and collect the stats... most of them are for the explorer ring . What should I buy first? Do you know what order I can get the items in? Also, how much is xp/is super heating? Mage xp and Smithing XP. I'm planning on taking them and do super the heating over this next weekend.

In F2P It's true that in F2P it's not very diverse. The biggest chance to drop can result from a revenant that's an infected dragon Scimi. In addition you'll be getting coins, which you'd be unable to even put into your money pouch.

If the revs are able to come around you, you're dead meat the majority of the time, unless at least a decent amount of prayer left... that isn't possible to charge in the event that you used a twisting bird neck and get rid of the ankous next chamber.

The main benefit from killing in f2p could rs gold 2007 be Lesser demons, Cockroaches or perhaps Ankous with a defense of 70, or 70 range if you can spot, and Greater Demons although it's not really recommended due to their positions all being away from any bank. Most people resort to dungeoneering in f2p when they want to eliminate a few bosses.