Dark and Darker, an advancing abecedarian Dark And Darker Gold vs abecedarian vs adversary anteroom crawler developed by Ironmace Games, has faced acclimatized troubles that led to its abatement from Steam Ancient Access. The acclimatized issues arbor from a altercation with a aloft publisher, Nexon, applicable declared blank theft.

The activity amidst Ironmace Abecedarian and Nexon began in 2021 ashamed Nexon filed a acclimatized complaint accusing Ironmace of break-in blank and assets from a canceled project. It is claimed that Ironmace took assets from the adventurous they were breathing on at Nexon and went on to achieve their own acclimation of it.

The altercation involves specific allegations of Darker Gold blank accretion and the use of assets taken from the canceled project.