A header is a scoring technique in Football to control the ball using the head to pass, shoot or clear. And the same in FC 24. But not all players do headers properly. So this guide will show you how to utilize the Headers better to win more games in FC 24.

   Choose Players with High Heading Accuracy:
   Ensure that you have players with high-heading accuracy in your team. Look for players with good jumping and heading stats. Such as the Netherlands and PSV striker Luuk De Jong(700 FUT 24 Coins) tops the list of best headers in FC 24, with 93 Heading Accuracy. 

    Manouvering Your Player To The Right Positioning:
    You need to get your player into the best position to win the header as early as possible. However, this doesn't always mean standing under the ball because sometimes it's better to get a running jump on your opponent. If your opponent already has a better position and can't get past, you can hold both triggers to lock off the ball, quickly re-position yourself, and then lock back onto the ball in a better position. Lean in, push, use both thumbsticks and do everything you can to throw your opponent off, gain an advantage and better position.

    Mastering Timing and Power:
    Time your jump well and think about the direction you're heading. Keep it simple and you'll have more chance of winning the header. Press the header button just as the ball is about to reach your player. If you press too early or too late, you're less likely to win the header. In addition, another key to better headers is to control your jump better to jump higher. The higher the power, the higher the player you control will jump. So a full bar power will give you the highest jump possible. But, too much power will land disastrous results. If you use too much power, this might lead to the ball missing the goal entirely.

     Using The Right Type Of Header:
     It's important to use the right type of header for the right situation. When you need the height, smash the power button for maximum height, and if you need a quick score, a downward header is a way to go. Also, experiment with different types of crosses. Low crosses can be effective for quick, close-range headers, while high crosses are suitable for powerful headers from a distance. Mix up your crossing style to keep your opponent guessing.

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