Passing Meters

We've created two new passing meters that you can use in conjunction using Skill-Based Passing with Mut 23 coins. This allows you to pick what you feel is the most comfortable.

Power Meter: The first Meter is focused on determining the force of your throw. The Power meter can help you understand the type that pass is being thrown based on the release of the icon for the receiver. Release the receiver icon earlier to throw it, release the icon of the receiver at the center of the meters to throw a touch pass, or hold the icon of the receiver to fill the meter up and shoot a bullet pass. The meter can be activated by choosing "Placement" as the type of pass under the Skill Based Passing Setting.

Accuracy Meter: This meter gives you the possibility of influencing not just the power of the pass, but also your accuracy too. The meter can be activated by selecting "Placement and Accuracy" as the type of pass in the Skill Based Passing Settings. Pressing the receiver icon will activate the meter. Like the power meter, pressing the button earlier results in an lob pass. Release at the middle release with a single touch, and pressing it all the way down will result in a bullet. There is also an area of blue on the meter, where when you release the ball , you can be assured of a precise or flawless pass. If you release the ball outside of the blue area there is no accuracy boost for your throw and the quarterback's accuracy ratings and the game's context will determine how precise the throw is.

Developer Tips: The accuracy field on the meter may become more difficult to measure and shrink when you are under pressure, throwing in the air or attempting a cross-body throw. The accuracy rating of your quarterback and Superstar X-Factor abilities also scales the precision of the meter.

Skill-Based Passing Setting

We ensured complete control and flexibility with Skill-Based Passing in the game options available within the Settings menu.

Type of Passing

You'll be able choose from two options: Power Lead & Accuracy or Power Lead mechanic to use Skill-Based Passing. We strongly recommend that players take advantage of the new Skill-Based Passingfeature, you can choose the traditional passing method to utilize our old-fashioned passing mechanics.

Slowing down of Passing

We've added an offline-only slowdown feature to Skill-Based Passing. As you begin your throw, the game will slow down so that you will have time to position the ball precisely the place you'd like to. You can also adjust the speed at which the slowdown takes place so that you can choose the speed that is most suitable for your needs.

The Free-Form Distance that you can pass

You'll be able to choose the maximum distance you'd like to lead beyond the area of the target in Free-Form. This can range from keeping your reticle in the area of target for more secure passes to allowing you to pass to the ball wherever you want on the field.

Speed of passing Free-Form Speed

This setting allows you to control how fast your reticle should move using the Free-Form mechanic with buy mut coins madden 23. We suggest stepping into practice mode to dial in the sensitivity that you feel is best.

Reticle Visibility

It allows you to switch on or off the visuals of the reticle during a pass.

Meter Visibility

It allows you to turn off or on the visuals of either meters or for both.