While it's not even close to taking over Steam Lost Ark Gold the Smilegate-created and Amazon-back MMO "Lost Ark" has also generated plenty of debate since it's North American launch. In one instance, the game has seen in excess of one million accounts be banned due to the usage of bots. Another, more significant issue has been brought to the forefront as well, which is the concept of different genders in "Lost Ark." The idea of gender-locked classes caused the game to be targeted by critics and players, and has become a hot-button issue for onlookers. Many have claimed that the problems with "Lost Ark" are indicative of continuing problems with sexism and sexism that exist in video games as a whole.

Apart from certain roles in "Lost Ark" being gender-blocked, others have complained about the game's giving female characters "revealing" as well as sexually suggestive gear specifically in its menu and character selection screens. Following the controversy, Amazon Games has released a statement detailing how it plans to respond to users' concerns about "LostArk."

Amazon Games' franchise lead Soomin Park has confirmed that "Lost Ark" will incorporate a few modifications to address the complaints of players. Interview with Eurogamer, Park said that even though the game will be able to keep the original female character's outfit options, new best place to buy Lost Ark Gold items will be added in order to offset the more risque pieces.