The second kind of attack Skarn buy cheap Diablo IV Gold is most likely employ is his linear laser beam in which the body will be rotated depending on the direction the players go to ensure they will take huge quantities of damage. The trick here is to rotate clockwise , or counter-clockwise. Once the direction of the rotation has been established, players need to stick to it.
If players attempt to change between clockwise and counter-clockwise or vice versa, players will take tons of damage or even die due to one swipe of this deadly attack. After Skarn gets through the beam attack, he'll go back to his normal fireballs, then move on to his demonic fireballsthat have a greater impact than his basic fireballs, then returning to his beam. Making a habit of this pattern is one of the initial vital steps to beating Skarn.
After players have reduced Skarn down to 2/3 his level of health he will disappear and summon the Diablo 4 Guardian Visions of the classes of the players in the game, such as Barbarian, Wizard, Monk, Demon Hunter, Crusader and Necromancer. The task of destroying these Diablo 4 enemies shouldn't be too hard however, they Monk and Barbarian are quite disruptive, therefore, focusing on taking them down prior to the others would be ideal.
After demolishing all of the Diablo 4 Guardian Visions Skarn will return and unleash multiple fireballs on all points on a Heptagon. In the next phase, he'll come back to perform his regular fireball attacks, to his demonic fireball attacks, then using the laser until the players have reduced Skarn to half of his HP. He will then disappear and summon all the Diablo 4 Guardian Visions again after which, once they've been defeated the player will return to buy Diablo 4 Gold shoot multiple fireballs into Heptagons once more.