Manual Pushchairs
Manual pushchairs are the standard self-propelled design that allows users to maneuver independently through arm and hand power to the rear wheels. These remain a popular choice for their portability, simplicity and lower cost compared to power options. Manual chairs are lightweight and can fold or disassemble for transport in vehicles.
Power Pushchairs
For those with limited upper body mobility, power pushchairs provide electric motorized drive through joy-stick control. Battery-powered units allow independent navigation both indoors and outdoors. WheelChairs Many high-end power chairs feature programmable speed settings, obstacle detection systems and lift capacities for various terrains. Reclining seat backs and leg rests also enable greater comfort.
Transport Wheel Chair
Specially designed for medical transport rather than independent use, these sturdy chairs have fixed frames, swing-away footrests and wheel locks. Upholstered seats provide padding. Transport chairs easily roll patients through facilities while positioning them safely.
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