Genetic toxicology is a field of science focused on detecting potential hazards that chemical and physical agents may pose to human health through their ability to damage the genetic material of living cells. The goal of genetic toxicology testing is to identify DNA damaging agents that could lead to cancer or birth defects if human exposure levels are high enough or occur over a long period of time.

In Vitro Methods for Genetic Toxicology Testing

One of the most commonly used approaches in genetic toxicology testing involves in vitro or "test tube" methods that expose cultured mammalian cells to test agents under controlled laboratory conditions. Standard in vitro assays include:

- Genetic Toxicology Testing Bacterial reverse mutation assays (Ames test) which detect gene mutations in select strains of Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli bacteria. These assays are very sensitive and useful for screening large numbers of chemicals.

- In vitro mammalian cell gene mutation assays using cells from rodents, humans or other species to detect point mutations and small genetic changes in cultured cells. Cells are exposed to test agents with and without metabolic activation to model in vivo conditions.

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