Origin and Occurrence
Carbonates are a group of naturally occurring minerals derived from carbon and oxygen that are present in many geological formations around the world. Calcium carbonate in the form of calcite and aragonite are the most common carbonate minerals. They form when carbon dioxide and water interact with calcium and magnesium in surface or subsurface environments. Other carbonates like iron carbonate, manganese carbonate and zinc carbonate form under similar conditions but with different metal cations replacing calcium.
The crystallization of Carbonate minerals is influenced by factors like temperature, pressure, availability of ions and water activity. Marine organisms are a major source of calcium carbonate deposition as their shells, skeletons and other hard tissues are composed primarily of calcite or aragonite. Coastal and ocean sediments are dominated by the shells and skeletal remains of microscopic and larger marine life forms. Carbonate rocks like limestone, dolostone and travertine form when plant and animal carbonate accumulates and crystallizes over long periods under pressure.
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