Men with diabetes can get erectile dysfunction because of the disease's effect on blood vessels and nerves. Keeping blood sugar levels under control can help prevent that damage.

But, once nerves and blood vessels are damaged, a person's ED can't always be reversed. Still, good diabetes management, a healthy diet, weight loss, and psychotherapy can help.

Talk to Your Doctor

Emotional issues can make a person lose interest in sex, and diabetes complications can cause pain, both of which can interfere with sexual desire. Men’s natural reluctance to talk about sex problems and physicians’ inexperience with these issues can make it difficult for a couple to discuss their problems, even when they do seek medical help.

Poor glycemic control, medications, and vascular and nerve damage from diabetes can contribute to ED. But keeping blood sugars in check, not smoking, eating a nutritious diet, exercising regularly, and avoiding urinary tract infections can help.

A person should also ask his or her doctor if any of his or her medicines might be contributing to the problem. Some, especially antidepressants and some blood pressure drugs, can have negative sexual side effects. A doctor may be able to change the drug to one that doesn’t have these effects. Avadhanula suggests asking your doctor to perform a simple physical exam.


The stress of managing a chronic illness like diabetes can impact your sexual health. Poorly controlled blood sugar can damage small blood vessels and nerves in the penis, which may reduce erections or make them less firm. Low testosterone levels caused by insulin and other diabetes medications can also decrease libido. Buy Fildena 100 can boost the self-esteem and confidence of the individual with ED.

Changing your medication to lower blood sugar levels and/or raise nitric oxide levels, which increase blood flow, can help treat erectile dysfunction related to diabetes. Eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep and avoiding smoking can also improve sex drive and sexual function.

There are also new devices available to enhance blood flow in the penis. These include vacuum-assisted erection devices that can make your erection stronger and inflatable prostheses. These aren’t a cure for ED, but they can help improve sex life for many men. Talk to your doctor about these options. They can be a safe, effective and affordable treatment option. They can also improve your mood and energy, which can help with sex drive.

Lifestyle Changes

Men with diabetes have a higher risk for erectile dysfunction because high blood sugar levels damage the blood vessels and nerves that help sustain an erection. Making healthy lifestyle changes—including keeping blood sugar levels in target range, exercising regularly and avoiding alcohol and smoking—can make a difference.

In addition, you might need to change some of the medications you take. Some, such as nitrates used to treat heart disease or other conditions, may contribute to ED. Talk to your doctor about reducing or switching your medications.

Changing your diet to include more whole foods, fruits and vegetables can improve your overall health and boost your energy levels. And adding more physical activity, such as walking, swimming or bodyweight exercises, will get your heart pumping and improve circulation, which can also help boost sex drive and the ability to maintain an erection.


Erectile dysfunction, or impotence, can occur when the blood vessels in the penis are damaged. It is the most common problem associated with diabetes and affects 35-75 percent of men who have the disease. Men with diabetes also tend to develop ED 10-15 years earlier than men who don’t have the disease. Dealing with Erectile Dysfunction? Fildena 200 Online could be the solution. Order now from MedzSafe and regain your confidence.

The good news is that a number of lifestyle changes can help people with diabetes improve their sexual health. These include eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise and not smoking. Some studies show that even a small amount of weight loss can significantly improve the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.

If you are having trouble in the bedroom due to diabetes, find a Baptist Health endocrinologist near you for a screening and treatment plan. They can perform blood tests to check your blood sugar level and other hormones. They can also look for signs of nerve and blood vessel damage. They can even offer counseling for sex problems caused by psychological conditions such as depression or anxiety.