And then of course comes the hard determining aspect of my trusting you. It only cost me 38k, so you wouldn't be OSRS Gold taking my life away however, this is where it comes into play the subject matter. Are there any reliable gamers out there who would be willing to recharge my ammy? I'd certainly consider paying you (though I am not sure how much u would desire for it).
If I knew that someone required a charged ulet, I would trade the charged one from my bank to the one that was not charged. Same difference, then I would go and charge the uncharged one as I was preparing to charge my others. This is why it's good to have more than one.
Great idea to have several when you grind bones. Because you frequently travel back and forth between Edgeville bank, it's great to have two. But, that's exactly my dream to accomplish. If you ever come across me online, I'll be happy to do it for you.
I will go into the middle level crater equipped with the above and this inventory. I will drink only a tiny amount of potions for ranging and then make use of the prayer potions when needed. I will pray for Protect Item and Protect from Melee, Eagle Eye. I will then conduct the bounty search. I will then apply the Dark Bow Special and cast Ice Burst. Next, take them out with the Dark Bow Special.
Then, switch to Drag Dagger Next, switch to Old School RuneScape Gold the Drag Dagger ++),. Then use the special. I'll return as long as my target is alive. Please tell me if this is a good strategy, or if there is something I can change (I have 150m, but don't suggest a Godsword).