Is able to lockpick chests without needing an actual lockpick (which are incredibly hard to find consistently Dark And Darker Gold). A true dungeon crawler that can get in, loot everything, and get out unnoticed.

Can consistently keep enemies chasing them frustrated by closing doors behind them, turning off lanterns, or anything else that makes use of their lightning-fast interaction speed.

Great at reviving teammates because of their interaction speed and low Max HP that requires less healing items to get back to full.
The squishiest class in the game, with a close second being the Wizard, will die to mosquitos if the player isn't careful and can easily get one-shotted by a buffed-up Barbarian.

Very weak against Wizards if the Wizard sees them coming (it only takes one Spell)

Has a higher skill floor than the other classes and an even higher skill ceiling.

Requires a lot of focus and patience to use optimally, as Rogues need to keep their ears open for footsteps, and be patient enough to stay crouch-walking often.

Even with the right combination of Perks and Skills, a Rogue that gets the drop on an opponent will still take a few seconds to kill them because of DoTs, and a lot of times this leads to the opponent getting a hit or two in, killing the Rogue buy Dark And Darker Gold Coins, and then dying shortly after from poison.