Instead of simply OSRS gold the task of deciding which monster to kill, Konar calls for gamers to explore a specific location for killing them, then when they the next visit, they'll stand a chance to get their hands to Brimstone Keys. Therefore, without further any further ado, let's check the exact location in which Konar is positioned and the method you could use to find a few Brimstone Keys.

According to the map above, Konar quo Maten is situated in the North-West area of the Zeah vicinity withinside the Kahlith agreement that was reached at the summit of Mount Karuulm. They're marked on the arena map by a light cranium to illustrate their location as Slayer Master. Slayer Master. They can be seen in as a status following a chest.

The most efficient method to reach this vicinity of the map is through the Rada's Blessed 3 or 4 teleport. If you're not sure you longer have get right of access to this you should be aware of the fairy ring code c-i r or by rubbing a Skills Necklace and then selecting to use the Farming Guild teleport.

The criteria for obtaining a slayer assignment from Konar is a minimum fight stage of seventy five and in addition, you must be a member to get right of entry on this Zeah continent. It's important to know that you could pay for the club through bonds Buy OSRS gold as a ways of earning cash in-sport.