Semiconductor integrated circuits are the core components of electronic products and are critical to the quality control of electronic devices such as diodes, resistors, and printed circuit boards (PCBs).
Wafer/Epitaxial layer (impurities/stress/defects)
- Evaluation of residual stress by Raman spectroscopy
- Analyze trace elements in semiconductor materials through chemical analysis (ultra-trace impurities/surface contamination elements of SiC wafers)
- Observe the defects of SiC and GaN wafers and epitaxial layers with ULC-SEM-CL
- Observe stacking defects/dislocations of SiC wafer and epitaxial layer by Cs-corrected STEM
Device Microstructure
- EELS/EDX analysis of the gate oxide film/SiC interface of SiC power devices by Cs-corrected STEM and TEM
- EDX/EELS analysis of diode metal/SiC interface by Cs-corrected STEM
- Observe the interlayer insulation film/defects by FIB-SEM
Analysis of Installed Components
- Ultrasonic focused beam internal observation
- Cross-section observation of the interface of power device composite materials
- SEM observation of the wire bonding part of power device/IC
- SEM-EDX and EBSP analysis of weld joint/wire alloy phase
- Identify the debonding interface with micro-focus radiography/ultrasound microscope
- SEM observation of the solder/nickel coating-Cu interface alloy phase and the peeled part of the welded joint interface
Detection Technology
- Thermal measurement
- Two-dimensional spectrum measuring device for defects of SiC substrate
- A high-precision infrared thermal imaging camera measures the temperature of power devices
Industries That Use Electronic Failure Analysis
- Semiconductor
- Aerospace
- Computer
- Consumer appliances
- Electricity company
- Electronic parts
- Government
- Industrial control
- Automobile industry